Monday, June 27, 2011

What's Your Snow Cone Personality?

This doesn't mean anything. Complete waste of time!

1) What's your favorite color?
   a. Yellow
   b. Blue
   c. Red
   d. Pink
   e. Purple
   f. Black

2) Animal
   a. Unicorn
   b. Turtle
   c. Dog
   d. Bunny
   e. Cat
   f. Any dead animal

3) Sport
   a. Dance
   b. Basketball
   c. Football
   d. Cheer
   e. Soccer
   f. I don't play sports

4) Fruit
   a. Cherry
   b. Orange
   c. Apples
   d. Guava
   e. Grapes
   f. I don't eat food

5) Favorite Vacation Spot
   a. Beach
   b. Mountains
   c. Disney Park 
   d. Big City
   e. Sight Seeing 
   f. Home


If you chose mostly As...
You are exactly like me! I'd suggest Melonberry or a soda with a fruity flavor and cream on top. BTW, I'm just suggesting random flavors!

If you chose mostly Bs...
You are pretty calm and laid back. I would try a cream soda or vanilla-y flavor with root beer or cola. 

If you chose mostly Cs...
You are classic and very patriotic. You should try fruity flavors like apple, grape, cherry, or tropical flavors.

If you chose mostly Ds...
You are very girly. Anything pink or exciting will probably taste awesome to you. Maybe try something with cherry or sour apple. Try sweet with sour.

If you chose mostly Es...
You are reasonable and dependable. Try mixing fruity flavors that may not seem like they go together like raspberry and banana or lime and blueberry. Berry flavors are always a good choice.

If you chose mostly Fs...
You are obviously a ghost. You can't eat because the snow cone would fall right through you. I'm curious as to why you are reading a snow cone blog. But if you insist, I would try any flavor that sounds interesting like Tiger's Blood or Rock n' Roll. Or anything black or bloody-looking.

In conclusion, this means absolutely nothing! I wasted your time. I just made up up random things. If I'm right, awesome! If I'm not, too bad! I warned you! L8er!

Am I right? Any thoughts? Anyone a snow-cone-blog-reading-ghost? I'm a melonberry lover! What about y'all?


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