Saturday, June 4, 2011

Some Unwanted Excitement...

So my life hasn't been all that exciting.  Last night I went to bed, and read a book (a good one, btw!). Then I put the book down, and saw probably the most frightening sight I can possibly see...... a scorpion. My biggest fear, well, besides obvious stuff, such as dead dogs and broken elevators. Anyway, my mom has been having allergy attacks in her room, so they  have been living in the guest room. Last night was the first night they went back to their bedroom.  Ironically*, they had decided to shut their door that night. I can scream pretty loudly on roller coasters and such, but I was screaming my death scream, which is deafening. After what seemed like eternity (2 minutes), my dad came and killed the dying scorpion. Yay! I love happy endings! After that, I slept in my parents room, squished, and woke up this morning! (Sigh) I love a good happy ending! 

*Ironic because they NEVER (I'm serious) close their door, and I never need them at night. But the first time I did, their door was shut! 

p.s. No one was stung! But I was shaking the entire time, and the thought makes me shudder! 

p.p.s. Still working one those photos! I know that photo-less blogs are not interesting blogs, but bear with me! 

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